Lavender Roses
Lavender roses sing a sweet song, as long as someone is there to...
more infoPurple Alstroemeria
A perennial favorite, this colorful and long-lasting flower is grouped en masse in a clear glass vase. Due to...
more infoThe Hanover
Calming seasonal flowers in pale yellows, blues and greens, all arranged in a clear glass vase. (Note: Due to...
more infoDesigner’s Choice
Let our creativity lead the way to a jawdropping design assembled just for you, or any...
more infoDracaena
Let us suggest a plant to match your home or that suits the needs of your recipient Due to seasonal variability,...
more infoCornucopias for Thanksgiving
Friday, November 16, 5;30 – 7 pm… $50 This class will explore the classic cornucopia design...
more infoDark and Stormy
Friday, September 7, 5:30 – 7:00pm $50 Dark and Stormy : Moody, temperamental, dark… We may...
more infoFantastic Foliage
Friday, October 12, 5:30 – 7:00pm …. $50 Flowers aren’t everything! This class will focus...
more infoCacti Garden
Let us select from our stock of great cacti the perfect specimen for a...
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